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  • Writer's picturemeganlangslp

What is teletherapy?

In these difficult and unprecedented times, professionals in all fields have had to adapt to working online, while staying at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Speech therapists all over the world have been moving away from face-to-face consultations and are using teletherapy to provide treatment for their patients.

Teletherapy involves using videoconferencing (such as Zoom or WhatsApp video) to do live consultations with patients. The content of the session is very similar to what it would be in a face-to-face session, and the patient and therapist can still hear and see each other. Teletherapy has the potential to achieve the same results as face-to-face therapy and is considered a good alternative where face-to-face treatment is not possible or where teletherapy is preferred by the patient.

Depending on a number of factors, teletherapy may look a little different from the face-to-face sessions patients are used to. For example, therapy sessions may use online games rather than the toys that are usually used. In some cases, there will be more involvement of caregivers to ensure the patient remains focused.

All of our services are available via teletherapy. If you're unsure if teletherapy will work for you, you are most welcome to contact me to find out more. You can also reach out to schedule a trial session. You or your medical aid will not be billed for this trial session, which will be used to determine if the service is suited to you.

"If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward." - John Wooden

Best wishes,


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